

  • Location:
  • I am looking for:
  • Zip Code:
  • Age:
  • Height:
    5 ft. 10 in.
  • Body:
  • Ethnicity:
  • Education:
    Masters Degree
  • Job:
  • Has Kids:


10 random things about me (in no particular order - updated in 2018!):

1. I once tried to document 101 things to do in a blow-up pool (but only got to about 35).
2. I already know how I will die (my friend predicted it - it's pretty awesome).
3. I once learned how to yodel (but am out-of-practice now).
4. I was wanted by the FBI while working at Disney World; and I was once called at work by the Secret Service (not connected)
5. You can find me on IMDB.
6. I once made a 10 foot high replica of the Monty Python (and the Holy Grail) trojan rabbit - out of cardboard. It was pretty awesome.
7. I believe that most hymns can have some great hand-actions and rest hymns should include songs that move your body - like Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.
8. I once worked with Carrie Fisher.
9. According to an online quiz, if I were an evil villain, I would be akin to Hannibal Lecter; but my ideal job would be a Hitman - haha!
10. I've seen the Mona Lisa in Paris but never went inside the Louvre.

P.S. I like seeing pictures of guy's smiles. I love seeing what a guy looks like when they're happy, laughing, and having a good time - so lighten up and post a smiling picture!

What I am looking for

#1 A strong testimony of God and Jesus Christ.

Someone who can keep up with or challenge me. Someone who is adventurous and open to new possibilities and learning - and is always striving to make improvements and progress.